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Montrose County Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher program is a federal housing program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The program provides rental subsidies to eligible low-income individuals and households who wish to live in private rental housing.

What are Housing Choice Vouchers?

The United States federal government operates the Housing Choice Voucher Program to assist low-income households in obtaining affordable, sanitary, and safe housing. The program does this by offsetting the cost of quality housing through rent subsidies awarded based on income. Residents can apply for a housing voucher when our waitlist is open.

Once accepted into the program, you must verify that a selected property is eligible and meets the program’s Housing Quality Standards requirements. While in the program, your landlord will receive a housing subsidy through the program on your behalf. Then, you (and anyone else living with you who is responsible for rent) pay the difference between the actual monthly rent charged by your landlord and the amount the program subsidizes.

Although the Housing Choice Voucher Program is federally funded, the housing choice vouchers are administered by local public housing authorities. This means anyone seeking housing assistance in Montrose or Ouray Counties would contact Montrose County Housing Authority to submit their application for housing vouchers.

Participants in the program can choose any housing option in their local community that meets the program’s requirements and offers rental rates within the HUD payment standard. These options can include single-family houses, apartments, or townhouses.

Applications and Important Documents

Section 8 Waiting List

Our Section 8 Voucher Waiting List is Now Closed and we are No Longer Accepting Applications for this Program.

Have Questions About the Voucher Program?